Our Scary Day....
This morning seemed normal. I was up with Brooklyn and watching our friend, Romey, and letting Addisyn "sleep in" (which is really what she does every day, but I like to pretend she makes my life a little more difficult than she actually does). It was about 9:15 and I began to hear some sounds from her room. Since we were expecting friends to visit at 10, I was anxious to get her out of bed. When I opened the door she was crying (usually she hurriedly stands up and greets you by pointing to the lion or elephant on her wall). It was strange, but I thought maybe she really wasn't ready to get up. I soon realized that she was soaked in sweat. Yes, sweat. It was not even 30 degrees outside and she had no blankets so this seemed strange. I picked her up and she was limp. I put her on the changing table to change her diaper and realized, besides the sweat pouring off of her, she was completely unable to stay awake. Even talking to her I could not get her attention. I quickly took a rectal temperature, for which her legs stayed limp (NOT NORMAL-It usually takes me and Ryan to hold her down) and her temp was only 97degrees. I was concerned by the lack of temperature... I called the nurse and told her what was going on and she told me to put a cold wash cloth on her first and see if she responds to that, and if not, get to the ER. There was no response. I laid her on my bed with Brooklyn sitting next to her and she just laid there.... no movement, no sounds, just laid there. As soon as my friend arrived to watch Brooklyn and Romey, we were out of there and I flew to the ER. The car was silent as Addisyn fell back asleep in a slump and my mind was fixed on the road. About half way there I realized I needed to call someone and get people praying for my baby girl. I called "my Deb" and I could just feel from our conversation that I was right to be concerned. As soon as we got off the phone I began to cry and plead with my God... because I know He is ABLE to do exceedingly more than we can ask, think, or even imagine. As we approached the ER there was an ambulance causing everyone to stop and wait. I looked back at Addisyn and tried to wake her, hoping for any sign that she was even breathing. I tried two times and really had no response, just enough to realize she was still conscious. I parked the car and as we walked toward the hospital I noticed a change. Her eyes were open and she was holding her head up. As soon as she saw her dad, she reached her arms out for him (the first time she had voluntarily moved that morning) and I knew that God was doing even more than I could ask or imagine. You see I went in there fully expecting to be admitted for several days, or even worse....
Within an hour Addisyn went from limp and lathargic to drinking an entire glass of milk, having some water, eating gold fish, and devouring a cereal bar. We were sent home 3 hours later with no medication, a slight temperature, and a new girl. You see, God showed Himself to me today, in a BIG way. I am so glad that I serve a God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond what I could ask, think, or even imagine. The doctor said it was low blood sugar, I think it was Someone else. Thank you, God, for healing my Addi today.