Sunday, June 5, 2011

Advocare.... Day 4

Today is the 4th day that I've been doing Advocare. So far, so good!  Today I checked in on the scale and was pleasantly surprised.... 4 pounds and 1/2 inch lost in 3 days!  That makes for a total of 9 pounds since May 1st and a little over 3 iniches.  The best part is that I can officially say that I am at pre-pregnancy weight (a huge success for mothers!)  The great thing about Advocare, or more specifically the cleanse portion, is it's not at all about starving yourself.  It's just about eating lots of fruits and veggies and coming up with more creative "snacks" (such as a rice cake with peanut butter and half a banana on it... yum!)  We are even vacationing right now (in Chicago and heading to Michigan) and I'm making it work. 

The 24 day challenge ends the day before my birthday.... perfect timing!  I'm so excited about feeling good... 20 days to go....

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Healthy Life

Ryan and I have been talking about the importance of modeling a healthy lifestyle for our kids for a few months now.  We have always wanted to get into great eating habits and make exercise just part of our routine, but there always seemed to be a reason why it wouldn't work.  Workouts take too long, fresh food is too expensive....  And, you know what? It's true.  But at the end of April we decided it doesn't matter anymore, living a healthy lifestyle is going to be a priority for us.  So beginning May 1 I decided that we were going to eat dramatically different.  With the exception of a handful of meals I have eaten salad two times a day (and yes I'm making sure to get protein) and a healthful breakfast with minimal snacks and RARELY something sweet (a cookie).  Rarely is in all caps because typically I would eat sweets throughout the day.... not a good idea!  We have also decided to start running and are beginning with training for a 5k.  This is week 4 of training and going very well so far... I'm even enjoying it!  So we are definitely on the right track.

After hearing some stories and learning more about AdvoCare (a nutrition system, I would say) we have become very interested and are going to begin adding it to our diet.  I will begin the 24 day challenge next week (when it arrives at my house) and am so excited for the 10 day cleanse in particular.  So I decided I'm going to blog a little bit about my journey, see what happens, see if I can lose the last of the dreaded baby weight, and most importantly see how incredible I'll feel.  I am really excited!  This past four weeks I have felt so good (and lost 5 lbs and 3 inches so far)... I'm so glad to be getting healthy and make it a lifestyle; not a fad!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Doctors Appointments = No Fun!

Addisyn update:
At 4 days old Addisyn was taken to the NICU for a temperature of 95.  Two days later we discovered that she has grade 2 urinary reflux (those aren't exact medical terms).  After day 7 of being in the NICU we were told that at 6 months old we would review Addisyn's reflux with a Urologist.  Yesterday Ryan, Addisyn and I went to Dayton Children's to meet with the Urologist and discuss future treatment.  The first thing this doctor asked us was why were sent to him.  I think he saw the look of shock on our faces and back pedaled a bit while telling us that he works in Columbus and just began coming to Dayton so he doesn't know the way the Dayton Pediatrician's order/refer/schedule things yet.  So we explained Addisyn's situation to which we were told that in another 6 months we will take Addisyn off of her medication and "see what happens".  Although I appreciate his philosophy on not wanting to put her through the testing that could determine if it has cleared up on its own (because she has to be catheterized- ouch!) and although we appreciate that he didn't overreact to the situation, I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when we take her off medication to see if she gets a UTI.  Six weeks after Addisyn was born I had a kidney stone that then caused me to have a UTI and those are PAINFUL!  Why would I want to inflict that on my one year old child?  Ryan and I looked at each other on the way out and said "well, that was a complete waist of time."  6 months of waiting for answers and the only answer we got was... wait another 6 months.  I understand fully and completely that Addisyn's situation isn't really that big of a deal.  But, not only do we want to know if she's made progress (because this date has been on our calender for so long), but we also don't want to be giving her a daily antibiotic if it isn't necessary.

Christin Update:
So, now it's my turn.  11 years ago I injured my right shoulder playing softball.  I did physical therapy for a little while, continued to do stretches in the "training room" at my high school, but was told I pretty much had to stop playing sports for 6 months in order for it heal.  Yeah, right!  Didn't happen... wouldn't happen.  So now.... 11 years later my husband has convinced me that it is time to get this thing fixed.  Last week I had a CT and an MRI for what the doctor was sure was a tear.  Well, it's not.  You may think that's good news, but for me, it's not.  Essentially my shoulder is extremely inflamed and I need to be on anti-inflammatory medication for a few weeks before starting physical therapy (which will cost $75 per visit).  Did you read what I wrote above?  I've already done the physical therapy thing without any success.  So maybe it's just pain I'll have to endure...forever...(at least I know it doesn't have a tear so I don't need to "baby" it at all).

That was our week.... a week of few answers and just more questions.

I hate to end on a bad note, though, because I have been given another day to live and fulfill the purposes that the Lord has for me... and for that I am very thankful!  The upside to our week is that Papa, Nana, Uncle Parker and Tilly (doggie) are coming to visit in two short days!  Brooklyn is beyond excited to have them here and keeps saying they are coming in a few minutes.  We also have the opportunity to serve kids with special needs and their families this weekend as we throw and EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA for them at Fairhaven Church.  It's always such a blessing.

Looking forward to the rest of this Holy Week.... remembering the AMAZING sacrifice that Christ made for me when He died on the cross and rose again over coming death.  Thank you, Lord, for your continued sacrifice!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Ramblings and What Nots...

Sometimes I feel as there is so much to say, and yet, I just don't have the words to use.  The Lord has really been working in my heart and life to strengthen my weaknesses and build my character.  It's hard to have people point out your flaws, but so amazing to see how God can use the criticism to mold you into the person He wants you to be.  That is all I care about.  Who does HE want me to be and what can I be doing to continue developing into that person?  I am so thankful that I was brought up in a Godly home and no matter the circumstances (and we've seen some pits), I was always shown that following Christ wasn't what we did on the good days, but what we did ALWAYS!  So, thank you, Dad, for being the strongest man I know...

 Well, that was way more open than I typically chose to be....

For those of you who maybe just want updates on my beautiful little girls... here it goes.  Addisyn continues to be the sweetest little baby I have ever met!  I'm not even exaggerating.  Often when we want her to take her pacifier to help her fall asleep, we'll have to keep saying "Stop smiling!" because she is constantly dropping it. ;) She is just the sweetest little blessing and what we feel God sent us to "off set" the "terrible twos".  Addisyn is a laid back people watcher.  She plays with her toys when she wants to, but is perfectly content to just lay on the ground and watch the people around her.  She loves to sit up, but currently has no interest in rolling over.  In fact, laying on her belly is one of the only things I can think of that I know she will not enjoy. 

Brooklyn is, simply, awesome! :)  She is dramatic, sweet, EXTREMELY caring and concerned for any and all, girly, and often naughty!  We are amidst the whining, crying, stubborness, saying "no" phase of life (well, is it really a phase?), but she can be in time-out one minute and the next minute have us rolling on the ground laughing.  Brooklyn loves her sister and is always concerned for her well being.  I can always count on her to provide a pacifier or burp cloth in the nick of time.  She is excited for the day when Addisyn can play with her (and so are we!). 

 I love both of my girls so much and I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity to have this experience of motherhood.  I don't take it lightly or for granted.  In the past few months there have been many losses of babies or babies with complications in "my" world.  My friend (and awesome hairstylist) Aimee, lost her little girl in her 22nd week of pregnancy, her friend (whose blog I read constantly) just lost her son after two short weeks, and my very good friend, Kat and her family, have been facing so much with their sweet baby Carter since he was born in January.  I remember how shaken I was when we had to take Addisyn to the NICU at 4 days old for a 95 degree temperature.  We didn't know or understand what was going on or how bad the outcome would be and it was hard not to consider the possibility of losing her.  I can't imagine being in these ladies shoes, but I am so thankful that they have all clung to God.  I am just so thankful!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I love my sisters!

I don't think my sisters will ever realize how much I cherish them.  Mainly because I am a horrible communicator (which I'm working on)!  My sister, Candi, is scheduled to have a c-section tomorrow morning and I have been planning (in my head) to go to Michigan and surprise her.  Of course, Monday I began developing a cold and I quickly began the Zicam regimen!  We all know that NO ONE who is sick should be around a newborn baby, and when I get to meet Jackson for the first time you better believe that I will be loving on that sweet boy!  So, besides the worsening cold, despite the Zicam every three hours (and if you know me very well you know that I don't take drugs... I just don't... for whatever reason I assume it's reasonable to just suffer through it), there is also the winter storm in my way.  I was praying that my cold would dissipate and the girls and I could travel to Michigan sometime Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.  Now my family is anticipating 14-20 inches (or so that's what the Ohio news said) beginning this evening.  Probably too much snow for me to travel with two little ones in the back seat.  I guess we'll see, though.  As I'm writing this I'm thinking to myself... that's not that much snow... surely they'll have it cleared in time???!!!  Anyway, all that to say, I wish I could be with Candi during this special time... I mean, it's not every day you have #5! :)

I will make it there soon, though!  Love you Cath and Can!

Friday, January 14, 2011

From Potty Training to Potty Trained!

Brooklyn has gone an entire week without any accidents.  That means two weeks with only 3!  I think she has the hang of this "going on the potty" thing.  However, I did not realize the amount of independence that would come right along with this new stage.  As a semi-control freak (yes, I like everything in its perfect place and done just the way I want) this new stage is both interesting and difficult.  Funny how the things I don't think she can do by herself, she can, and things I think she should be able to do, she can't.  I guess I have to begin letting ago a little bit... she's growing up!  Good thing I have Addisyn around!  I can count on no independence from her for at least another several months. :) 

Alright, the girls are taking a nap which means "mommy" has an hour (or, hopefully, more) to get my workout in!  Here we go...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Potty Training

Last Monday we came home from our week and a half "vacation" traveling the country to see our families.  We decided that it was time to POTTY TRAIN!!!!  I knew it was going to be difficult, but WHOA!  Last week, each day, we spent hours in the bathroom trying to get Brooklyn to "go".  For some reason she was scared of actually letting it come out.  So she would scream and throw tantrums until she couldn't hold it anymore.  She refused to go in her pants so we've only had 3 accidents in a week, which means she would "pee" maybe 3 times a day.  Today, I've seen major progress (THANK YOU LORD!).  She had already gone to the bathroom two times before her 12:30 nap.  And, she initiates it!  I'm hopeful that this means she's going to stick with it!

The Beginning of Blogging

Since I am such a terrible communicator with family and friends who I do not see on a weekly basis, I decided it was time to create a blog to ensure that those who wanted to see what was going on in our lives and the lives of our children, would have that very opportunity.  Disclaimer: I am not someone who enjoys writing or has anything spectacular to say, but this will help you stay "up to date" with our latest and greatest joys and excitements.  I'll even be sure to post some pictures, too!